email automation services | ecommerce automation | Chatham Oaks

Small Business Enterprise Automation

The average work week of small business owners is 45.5 hours. 16 are spent on administrative tasks.

— Linkedin

Business Process Automation Services

Sales and Marketing

Optimizing marketing processes like lead generation and integrating marketing tools into your operations.

Customer Journeys

Using communications and data through ecommerce or email automation to consistently stay top of mind.

Administrative Tasks

Eliminate time consuming tasks to get the time you need back in your calendar to grow your business.

Software Integrations

Integrate software to your business tool suite to fix bottlenecks and assist with data driven decisions.

Automation as a Service

Email Marketing Automation

Get the most out of the robust automation offerings from email marketing tools like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, and ActiveCampaign.

We can build custom automations that collect important information to optimize your email campaign strategy based on customer behavior.

Ecommerce Automation Services

Your essential compass for navigating the dynamic landscapes of ecommerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce and Magento.

Completely streamline your ecommerce business to avoid repetitive tasks, save precious time, and generate loyal customers and future sales.

Build Your Journey

COGS Templates

Simplified, drag-and-drop automation frameworks that fix common small business bottlenecks with popular platforms like Mailchimp and Zapier.

Industry Specific Solutions

Website design, SEO, and automation bundles built with industry specific needs and bottlenecks in mind.